Call for Public Inputs for the continuation of the GCF REDD+ Results-Based Payments Programme

Call for Public Inputs for the continuation of the GCF REDD+ Results-Based Payments Programme
As requested by the Board at its 28th Session, the GCF Secretariat is currently undertaking a further analysis of alternatives for the continuation of the implementation of REDD+ results-based payments (RBPs). The process that the GCF Secretariat is undertaking with the support of a team of experts will encompass the steps as laid out in the below diagram.
Interested members of the Board or their representatives and observers to the Board were interviewed (step 1) between September 2020 and January 2021. Subsequently, a background document was prepared (step 2) summarizing key issues that were identified during the interviews, called “Options for the Continuation of REDD-plus Results-based Payments Under the GCF: Background and Discussion Document.”
An expert meeting (step 3) took place online between 4 and 6 May 2021 to discuss the key issues identified. These steps have resulted in an exchange of views towards a broad outline for the next phase of REDD+ Results-based finance under the GCF. Participants recognized the usefulness of the pilot and success in terms of participation and demand by developing countries, and confirmed the emerging consensus on the need to continue using the scorecard approach. They also expressed views on possible areas of improvement based on the experiences from the first pilot in relation to specific sections of the terms of reference (TOR).
During the expert meeting, experts suggested a call for public inputs on some of the more detailed elements of the TOR for the next phase of REDD+ RBP under the GCF, as well as on a number of outstanding issues, before preparing the draft TOR. The draft will be based on the midterm review, interviews with the Board Members and observers, inputs provided during the expert meeting, and inputs submitted during the additional call for inputs.