Building understanding of and enhancing dialogue across the forest, agriculture, livestock and land use sectors in Senegal to support adaptation and mitigation interventions, particularly under the Great Green Wall Initiative

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Building understanding of and enhancing dialogue across the forest, agriculture, livestock and land use sectors in Senegal to support adaptation and mitigation interventions, particularly under the Great Green Wall Initiative

This proposed GCF Readiness proposal will be used to undertake an in-depth multi-stakeholder process in those Great Green Wall targeted intervention areas. This will be achieved by: i) developing the baseline analysis and a strategic assessment of adaptation and mitigation potential in the ecologically prioritized geographic area (The 3 Great Green Wall intervention areas); ii) bring together and share findings and lessons learnt among key stakeholders on the GGW initiative current interventions and their impacts on climate change; iii) establish a comprehensive monitoring system for the GGW that incorporates climate change based indicators; iv) engage the private sector to mobilize resources, in support of adaptation and mitigation intervention options.

Cover date 13 March 2019
Document type Approved readiness proposal
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations