Building Eritrea’s Capacity for Effective Engagement with the Green Climate Fund

Building Eritrea’s Capacity for Effective Engagement with the Green Climate Fund
The goal of this Readiness Proposal is to support Eritrea to catalyse climate financing from the GCF for climate towards urgent climate priorities. For Eritrea to take advantage of the opportunities to address climate change, it is imperative to address the above-mentioned barriers and take conscious steps aimed at building capacities and developing clear coordination mechanisms for climate financing including GCF access.
This proposal aims at achieving following objectives:
Strengthen the NDA and the GCF Team of Eritrea in term of organizational capacities to effectively and efficiently plan for, access, manage, deploy and monitor climate financing through the GCF, including through an enhanced coordination mechanism (CM) to support the planning, programming, and implementation of GCF-funded activities, a GCF Framework and mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation of the Fund’s projects/programs.
Enhance the capacity of all stakeholders in a frame of a coordination mechanism, which will enhance the level of ownership in the implementation of GCF-funded activities so that adequate capacity structures and networks can support the planning, programming, and implementation of GCF-funded activities, including drafting a gender- sensitive engagement plan to guide future consultative processes on climate change and GCF.
Develop a GCF Country Programme and related monitoring and evaluation for tracking internal and external climate finance flows that are aligned with Eritrea’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), based on GCF investment criteria and approval process and that identifies strategic priorities for engagement with the GCF and other partners, including high-impact and transformational investment areas.
Develop and submit two quality concept notes to GCF - one for mitigation and the other for adaptation - that are based on emissions scenarios and/or vulnerability and impact assessments.
Develop knowledge products containing information on low emission and climate resilient development (LECRD), methodologies, lessons learned or best practices extracted from within the country and from other countries (South-South cooperation).