ADAPT-JAMAICA Enhancing climate change resilience of vulnerable smallholders in Central Jamaica

Document cover for ADAPT-JAMAICA Enhancing climate change resilience of vulnerable smallholders in Central Jamaica
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ADAPT-JAMAICA Enhancing climate change resilience of vulnerable smallholders in Central Jamaica

Jamaica is a small island developing state (SIDS) and is the third most exposed country in the world to multiple climate hazards, with over 96 percent of the country’s GDP and population at risk from two or more hazards. Its primary risks are linked to hazards including hurricanes, floods, droughts, storm surges, and landslides. These factors will affect food security in the country as agriculture is the main source of livelihoods for approximately 180,000 registered farmers in rural Jamaica, 77% of which are smallholders with less than 2 hectares practicing rain-fed mixed crop production. The project will target 6 parishes in Central Jamaica that are contributing to about 70% of national agricultural production. Climate change is affecting the food and nutrition security of over 300,000 people living in the project areas that are increasingly exposed to climate-driven hazards that affect water resources and shift cropping seasons. The project will enhance the adaptive capacity of 100,000 vulnerable smallholders through interventions leading to: (1) Enhanced resilience of agricultural landscapes; (2) Improved food security and livelihoods; (2) Enhanced resilience of agricultural landscapes; (3) Adopted climate resilient agricultural practices; (4) Strengthened enabling environment for implementation of local adaptation measures. The project will introduce best practices and best available technologies to the beneficiaries, including improving their access to finance through Market Innovations Platforms subsequently to the project.

Cover date 02 September 2020
Document type Concept note
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations