Accelerate Morocco s readiness to implement the climate change policy at a large-scale level

Document cover for Accelerate Morocco s readiness to implement the climate change policy at a large-scale level
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Accelerate Morocco s readiness to implement the climate change policy at a large-scale level

The Readiness Support under this proposal will build on the results of the first Readiness Support the Moroccan NDA received (“Readiness 1”). The finance strategy in particular will build on the Climate Finance Strategy Report and on the Study “Identification des priorités nationales en termes d’ adaptation et d’ attenuation et liste des programmes prioritaires du Maroc” developed under the Readiness 1:

  • The Climate Finance Strategy Report provides a comprehensive overview of the status quo of climate finance in Morocco, existing funding flows and recommendations how to improve the climate finance governance of Morocco.
  • The Study on National Priorities suggests a list of strategic programs that could be financed by the GCF for each of the sectors prioritized by the Moroccan NDC.

The Readiness Support under this proposal will suggest a very concrete financing strategy (incl. a costing of the different priority programs identified, assessment of potential funding sources / investors, financial instruments, business models) to finance the implementation of the programs prioritized.

The financing strategy will be developed in close cooperation with the Moroccan private and financial sectors, the NDA and stakeholders on the national and regional level. It will include communication plans and stakeholder mappings to involve all relevant actors. Thereby it will enable Morocco to leverage the investments required to finance the implementation of its NDC.

The Readiness Support will support institutions involved in the country programming process the financing of NDC implementation, the development of projects and programs for NDC implementation and the identification and acces to climate finance opportunities:

  • Moroccan NDA
  • National and regional institutions,
  • private and financial sector actors and
  • Fond d’ Equipement Communal (FEC).
  • The beneficiaries of the Readiness Support are the Moroccan population affected by the negative impacts of climate change.
Cover date 29 April 2020
Document type Approved readiness proposal
Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH