• Decision date 25 Aug 2022

B.BM-2022/06: Decision of the Board on the appointment of an ad interim Head of the Independent Redress Mechanism

The Board, having considered limited distribution document GCF/BM-2022/05 titled “Appointment of an ad interim Head of the Independent Redress Mechanism” and through a decision taken between meetings on a no-objection basis:

  1. Takes note of the elements contained in document GCF/BM-2022/05;
  2. Agrees to the appointment of Mr. Ibrahim Pam as interim Head of the Independent Redress Mechanism for the period from 31 August 2022 to 31 March 2023; and
  3. Authorizes the Co-Chairs to work with the Secretariat on the contractual arrangements to cover the aforementioned period, and to sign such contractual arrangements with Mr. Ibrahim Pam on behalf of the Board.