• Decision type
  • Decision date 17 Dec 2021

B.BM-2021/22: Decision of the Board on the Investigation Standards

The Board, having considered document GCF/BM-2021/24 titled “Investigation Standards”:

  1. Approves the Investigation Standards set out in annex I to this document;
  2. Requests the IIU, in consultation with the Secretariat, given the specific considerations that are applicable to administrative investigations into alleged violations of the SEAH Policy, to develop for the EAC’s consideration and approval, separate procedures governing the conduct of interviews with relevant witnesses;
  3. Requests the Secretariat, in consultation with the Board, to establish an appropriate mechanism or procedure for addressing reports of suspected Wrongdoing concerning staff members, consultants or interns of the IIU, or their immediate family members, as stipulated in paragraph 27 of the Policy on Prohibited Practices;
  4. Takes note of the ongoing overall policy review being conducted by the Secretariat pursuant to decision B.24/04, annex II, and requests the IIU and the Secretariat to identify any policy conflicts and inconsistencies between the Terms of Reference of the IIU, the Human Resources Legal Framework, the GCF Integrity Policies and the GCF Ethics Policies, including through such review process, and to present any necessary amendments to such documents for the Board’s consideration, following consultation with the EAC as appropriate; and
  5. Authorizes the EAC to address issues that may arise in the implementation of the Investigation Standards and to refer matters it deems appropriate for the consideration of the Board.