• Decision type
  • Decision date 13 Aug 2021

B.BM-2021/17: Decision of the Board on the additional administrative budget for Phase I of the remedial activities addressing monitoring and evaluation gaps in the GCF portfolio

The Board, having considered document GCF/BM-2021/16 titled “Additional administrative budget for Phase I of the remedial activities addressing monitoring and evaluation gaps in the GCF portfolio”:

  1. Recalls decision B.28/02 in relation to the document GCF/B.28/04 and in line with the Board approval of the Secretariat actions to advance remedial measures addressing the gaps in the current portfolio;
  2. Approves additional administrative budget of USD 712,400 for advancing activities under Phase I of the remedial actions; and
  3. Requests the Secretariat to immediately initiate the procurement process for retaining a vendor to support the remedial activities under Phase I of the remedial activities.