B.BM-2021/04: Decision of the Board on the reappointment of members of the independent Technical Advisory Panel
The Board, having considered document GCF/BM-2021/03 titled “Reappointment of members of the independent Technical Advisory Panel”:
- Decides to re-appoint, as an exception to paragraph 12 of annex I to decision B.BM.2018/09, the following members of the independent Technical Advisory Panel for a ten-month term starting on the date of the expiration of their current term:
- Mr. Daniel Nolasco;
- Ms. Marina Shvangiradze; and
- r. Felix Dayo;
- Decides that the performance review of the members of the independent Technical Advisory Panel shall be undertaken by an independent consultant or firm, with the aim of presenting the outcome of the performance review to the Board for consideration at its thirtieth meeting, pursuant to the terms of reference including in annex II; and
- Requests the Secretariat to procure the independent consultant or firm referred to in paragraph (b) above.