• Decision type
  • Decision date 22 Mar 2017

B.BM-2017/02: Work plan of the Board for 2017: Proposal from the Co-Chairs

The Board, having considered document GCF/BM-2017/02 titled “Work plan of the Board for 2017”:

  1. Approves the work plan of the Board for 2017, as set out in annex I;
  2. Requests the Co-Chairs to update the work plan following each meeting of the Board;
  3. Decides that the interim risk and investment guidelines adopted pursuant to decision B.13/36, paragraph (a) will expire the earlier of (i) the eighteenth meeting of the Board, or (ii) the adoption of an updated set of risk policies and guidelines;
  4. Also decides to defer the first annual dialogue with climate finance delivery channels to its seventeenth meeting; and
  5. Further decides to defer consideration of the following matters and requests the Secretariat, in consultation with the Co-Chairs and the relevant committees, panels, and groups of the Board, to progress its work on these matters, and to present them for consideration by the Board at the earliest possible opportunity:
    1. An operational framework on complementarity and coherence, which is also to form the basis for the cooperation of the Board with the Standing Committee on Finance requested pursuant to decision B.13/12;
    2. Options for the operationalization of the key elements of the operational framework on complementarity and coherence requested pursuant to decision B.13/12;
    3. Work programmes of the committees, panels, and groups of the Board that include the actions outlined in the Strategic Plan requested pursuant to decision B.12/20 (f);
    4. Mobilization of private sector finance to progress GCF forestry-related results areas requested pursuant to decision B.12/07, para. (f);
    5. The report with recommendations on the outcomes of the review of the guidelines on observer participation requested pursuant to decision B.BM2016/11;
    6. The review of the GCF Gender policy and Gender action plan requested pursuant to decision B.12/16;
    7. The policy on fees for accredited entities requested pursuant to decision B.11/10;
    8. The policy regarding the cases in which the high-level concessional terms and the low-level concessional terms for public sector proposal will apply requested pursuant to decision B.12/17;
    9. The results from an analysis of barriers to crowding-in and maximizing the engagement of the private sector, and the Private Sector Advisory Group recommendations requested pursuant to decision B.13/05; and
    10. The Private Sector Advisory Group recommendations on the development of a private sector outreach plan requested pursuant to decision B.13/05.