B.36/15: Terms of reference for a feasibility study on options for a GCF regional presence

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.36/06 titled “Terms of Reference for a Feasibility Study to further examine options for establishing a GCF regional presence”:

  1. Decides to approve the terms of reference for the feasibility study in section II of document GCF/B.36/06 to further examine options for establishing a GCF regional presence in line with decision B.30/06, paragraph (k);
  2. Approves an additional budget allocation of USD 100,000 to be made available for the feasibility study; and
  3. Requests the Secretariat to submit the outcomes of the above-mentioned feasibility study for the Board’s consideration at its thirty-seventh meeting to facilitate a decision on the needs and feasibility of the establishment of a GCF regional presence.