B.36/14: Updated policy for contributions

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.36/15/Rev.01 titled “Updated policy for contributions to the Green Climate Fund for the second replenishment”:

  1. Expresses its appreciation to the group of potential contributors, Board and alternate members, and observers who actively engaged in the consultation process;
  2. Approves the updated Policy for Contributions to the Green Climate Fund for the second replenishment, as contained in annex IV;
  3. Requests the Secretariat to present a plan for the financial management of GCF’s commitment authority for the second replenishment programming period for consideration by the Board at its thirty-seventh meeting; and
  4. Also requests the Secretariat, under the guidance of the Co-Chairs, to present to the Board at its thirty-seventh meeting a document with potential measures to manage non-confirmed pledges and non-payment of contributions.