B.35/04: Reports from Board committees, panels and groups

The Board:

  1. Appoints as a member of the Accreditation Committee, Walter Schuldt;
  2. Also appoints as a member of the Budget Committee, Jaime Tramon; 
  3. Further appoints as a member of the Ethics and Audit Committee, Nino Tandilashvili, replacing Nadia Spencer-Henry;
  4. Appoints as a member of the Ethics and Audit Committee, Hillary Clifford, replacing Victoria Gunderson;
  5. Also appoints as a member of the Performance Oversight Committee of the Executive Director and Heads of Independent Units, Hussein Alfa Nafo, replacing Nauman Bashir Bhatti as the developing country representative; and
  6. Further appoints as members of the Risk Management Committee, for the remainder of the fourth term of the Board ending 31 December 2024:
    1. Diann Black-Layne;
    2. Orlando Garner;
    3. Mark Dennis Y.C. Joven;
    4. Jaime de Bourbon de Parme;
    5. Malin Meyer; and
    6. Sarah Metcalf