B.34/20: Updated salary system

The Board, having considered limited distribution document GCF/B.34/11/Rev.01 titled “Updated Salary Scale: Review of Salary Scales for IS and AS Staff”:

  1. Notes:
    1. The differences between the GCF and 2022 Asian Development Bank International Staff salary scales as shown in table 2 of document GCF/B.34/11/Rev.01;
    2. The differences between the GCF and 2022 World Bank Group Korea Office Administrative Services staff salary scales as shown in table 4 of document GCF/B.34/11/Rev.01;
  2. Recalls that GCF reviews the International Staff and Administrative Services staff salary scale annually in relation to the Asian Development Bank and World Bank Group Korea Office, respectively, in line with the Administrative Guidelines on Human Resources (section E.I.4) and decision B.13/26;
  3. Adopts the International Staff and Administrative Services staff salary scales shown in annex X (tables 8 and 9), which will enter into force on 1 January 2023;
  4. Decides:
    1. That a budget of USD 1,907,973 shall be allocated in 2023 for the implementation of the adjustment of the salary scales; and
    2. That no additional budget shall be allocated to a performance-based increase of staff salaries;
  5. Also decides that an adjustment of the salary scales as shown with reference to annex X (table 10) shall be discussed as part of the 2024 administrative budget; and
  6. Tasks the Executive Director with setting the guidelines for the distribution of salary increases in line with sections E.I.5 and E.I.10 of the Administrative Guidelines on Human Resources.