B.34/19: Accreditation strategy

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.34/27 titled “Accreditation strategy of the Green Climate Fund”:

  1. Adopts the accreditation strategy contained in annex VIII;
  2. Agrees to further consider at its thirty-fifth meeting the strategic matters relating to accreditation that require further Board consideration contained in section II of annex IX;
  3. Requests the Secretariat to present the resourcing implications of implementing the accreditation strategy referred to in paragraph (a) above for the Board’s consideration at its thirty-fifth meeting;
  4. Agrees to consider, in the context of the revision to the accreditation framework to be developed pursuant to decision B.31/06, paragraph (m), the matters to be taken up in the revised accreditation framework contained in section III of annex IX;
  5. Requests the Secretariat to report on progress on the accreditation strategy at the first Board meeting of each year from 2024;
  6. Also requests the Secretariat, in order to simplify and enhance access, to prepare a document considering the potential for GCF to enable all accredited entities to apply their own systems and policies (including with respect to GCF policies and standards not assessed during accreditation or re-accreditation) while:
    1. Maintaining best practices for all stages of the project and programme activity cycle, including during project design and implementation; and
    2. Ensuring that the relevant accredited entities’ systems and policies are substantially equivalent to the relevant GCF policies and standards,

    and to present options for consideration by the Board no later than its thirty-sixth meeting. Such assessment will include a review of the relevant GCF policies and standards to determine how they are intended to apply to, and be applied by, accredited entities during the accreditation process and through all stages of the project and programme activity cycle;

  7. Approves an additional budget of USD 220,000 in professional services to prepare the document referred to in paragraph (b) above, to be executed during the years 2022 and 2023;2
  8. Agrees to explore the establishment of a direct access entity window under the GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme as part of the revised strategy for the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme, in line with decision B.33/04, paragraphs (g) and (h), to be presented to the Board for its consideration at its thirty-fifth meeting; and
  9. Requests the Secretariat to prepare an information paper on (i) the climate change programming development and implementation competencies and capacities relevant to programming with GCF; as well as (ii) options for building or strengthening such capacities of accredited entities, particularly direct access entities, including support provided through the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme, such as through the provision of technical assistance; cooperation between international access accredited entities and direct access entities; and peer learning; and, as appropriate, present for consideration any recommendations that require decision by the Board.

2To be considered for endorsement by the Budget Committee