B.33/12: Steps to enhance climate rationale

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.33/05 titled “Steps to enhance the climate rationale of GCF-supported activities”:

  1. Takes note of document GCF/B.33/05 entitled “Steps to enhance the climate rationale of GCF-supported activities” as mandated in decision B.19/06, paragraph (d);
  2. Reaffirms its decisions B.07/06, paragraph (a), and B.09/05, paragraph (b), adopting GCF’s initial investment framework and further developing the sub-criteria and methodology of the initial investment framework and decision B.29/01 adopting the Integrated Results Management Framework;
  3. Also reaffirms decision B.05/05, paragraph (d), which decided that, in relation to adaptation, resources will be allocated based on the ability of a proposed activity to demonstrate its potential to adapt to the impacts of climate change in the context of promoting sustainable development and a paradigm shift and the urgent and immediate needs of vulnerable countries, in particular least developed countries, small island developing States and African States; and paragraph (e) which decided that, in relation to mitigation, resources will be allocated based on the ability of a proposed activity to demonstrate its potential to limit and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the context of promoting a paradigm shift;
  4. Further reaffirms decision B.09/05, paragraph (g), requesting the Secretariat and the independent Technical Advisory Panel in the application of the assessment scale to take into account the needs of those developing countries particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change, in particular least developed countries, small island developing States and African States;
  5. Requests the Secretariat and the independent Technical Advisory Panel to take into account the principles for demonstrating the impact potential for mitigation and adaptation activities set out in annex VI in order to establish a more transparent and consistent approach in their guidance to accredited entities and in their assessment of funding proposals;
  6. Recognizes the significant variation in information and data availability across countries and contexts;
  7. Also recognizes the urgent need for: (i) guiding accredited entities in presenting climaterelated information needed for establishing the impact potential of funding proposals, and (ii) establishing a more transparent and consistent approach to the review of impact potential as part of the proposal assessment process, with a view to streamlining the proposal development cycle, and leading to improved review outcomes and a more rapid flow of proposals for endorsement to the Board, particularly for adaptation;
  8. Decides that the use of best available information and data, including from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and from traditional, local and indigenous knowledge and practices is sufficient to form the basis for the demonstration of impact potential for GCF-supported activities, while taking into account the context of the proposal, the different capabilities of accredited entities, and country and regional circumstances; and 
  9. Requests the Secretariat to provide capacity-building support to accredited entities, especially direct access entities, to enhance the demonstration of the impact potential in GCF-supported activities, and to consider their feedback for future enhancements, including by:
    1. Providing early engagement of GCF technical experts in proposal conceptualization;
    2. Promoting deployment of the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme to strengthen countries’ capacities to undertake adaptation planning and investment programming, and to help countries identify their priorities for adaptation action based on relevant data; and
    3. Promoting utilization of Project Preparation Facility funding to help countries convert project ideas identified in their country programmes into actionable investments.