B.30/12: Dates and venues of upcoming Board meetings

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.30/16/Rev.01 titled “Dates and venues of upcoming meetings of the Board”:

  1. Decides that the thirty-first meeting of the Board will take place from Monday 7 February to Thursday, 10 February 2022 in Songdo, Incheon, Republic of Korea, should conditions allow for an in-person meeting;
  2. Also decides that the thirty-second meeting of the Board will take place from Monday, 9 May to Thursday, 12 May 2022;
  3. Further decides that the thirty-third meeting of the Board will take place from Monday, 27 June to Thursday, 30 June 2022;
  4. Decides that the thirty-fourth meeting of the Board will take place from Monday, 24 October to Thursday, 27 October 2022;
  5. Underscores the importance of the full participation and involvement of the entire Board from all constituencies in the Board meetings and pre-Board meeting consultation process as an essential condition for holding an effective and full participatory meeting; and
  6. Requests the Co-Chairs to continue to monitor the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the operations of GCF, and to report to the Board appropriately.