B.25/09: Matters related to the independent Technical Advisory Panel

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.25/10 titled “Revision of the structure and operations of the independent Technical Advisory Panel”:

  1. Takes note of the independent consultant’s report of the same title as presented in annex II of document GCF/B.25/10;
  2. Decides to reappoint, as an exception to paragraph 12 of annex I to decision B.BM-2018/09, the following members of the independent Technical Advisory Panel for a 1.5-year term starting on the date of the expiration of their current term:
    1. Mr. Ahsan Ahmed;
    2. Ms. Claudia Martinez; and
    3. Mr. Joe Yamagata;
  3. Also decides to amend the terms of reference of the independent Technical Advisory Panel to increase the size of the Panel from 6 members to 10 members by the end of 2020;
  4. Requests the Secretariat to launch a call for experts immediately in order to identify suitable candidates to join the independent Technical Advisory Panel as members;
  5. Also requests the Secretariat to recruit one administrative support consultant to report to and work directly with the Chair of independent Technical Advisory Panel, but shall be hosted by and located in the Secretariat for administrative purposes;
  6. Further requests the Investment Committee to nominate additional experts as members of the independent Technical Advisory Panel by the twenty-sixth meeting of the Board, with due consideration given to the geographic and specialty coverage in accordance with the updated terms of reference of the independent Technical Advisory Panel;
  7. Requests the Secretariat to improve the contracting modality for the roster of experts for use by the independent Technical Advisory Panel to ensure quick deployment and utilization;
  8. Approves an additional administrative budget for the Board for the year 2020 in the amount of USD 338,800 to cover the additional four members of the independent Technical Advisory Panel, the administrative support consultant, and the operationalization of the roster of experts. This approval is in addition to the USD 3,673,720 approved via decision B.24/05, paragraph (f), thus bringing the total administrative budget for the Board for the year 2020 to USD 4,012,520; and
  9. Requests the Secretariat, in consultation with the Investment Committee and the independent Technical Advisory Panel, to propose updates to the operational modalities of the independent Technical Advisory Panel to accommodate the increased workload by the twenty-sixth meeting of the Board.