B.24/11: Consideration of accreditation proposals
The Board, having considered document GCF/B.24/07/Rev.01 titled “Consideration of accreditation proposals”:
- Takes note with appreciation of the assessments conducted by the Secretariat and the Accreditation Panel contained within the relevant annexes for the following applicants:
- Applicant 090 (APL090) is the National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development Secretariat (NCDDS) based in Cambodia, as contained in annex XV;
- Applicant 091 (APL091) is CRDB Bank Limited (CRDB) based in the United Republic of Tanzania, as contained in annex XVI;
- Applicant 092 (APL092) is Finanzas y Negocios Servicios Financieros Limitada (FYNSA) based in Chile, as contained in annex XVII;
- Applicant 093 (APL093) is IL&FS Environmental Infrastructure and Services Limited (IEISL) based in India, as contained in annex XVIII;
- Applicant 094 (APL094) is Yes Bank Limited (Yes Bank) based in India, as contained in annex XIX;
- Applicant 095 (APL095) is Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A. (CDP) based in Italy, as contained in annex XX; and
- Applicant 096 (APL096) is Save the Children Australia (SCA) based in Australia, as contained in annex XXI;
- Approves the accreditation of applicants APL090, APL091, APL092, APL093, APL094, APL095 and APL096, pursuant to paragraph 45 of the Governing Instrument for the GCF, subject to, and in accordance with, the assessments by the Accreditation Panel contained in the relevant annexes for each of the applicants and completion of Stage III of the accreditation by having an effective accreditation master agreement, in accordance with decision B.23/11;
- Takes note that, pursuant to decision B.08/03, paragraph (k), the Secretariat, in consultation with the Accreditation Panel, is proposing that the eligibility to apply under the fast-track accreditation process be extended to those entities listed in annex XXII;
- Decides that those entities referred to in annex XXII are also eligible to apply under the fast-track accreditation process for the standards of GCF in accordance with decision B.08/03, paragraph (g), for entities under the Adaptation Fund; and
- Recalling decision B.21/15, paragraph (e), decides that future accreditation decisions by the Board should aim to bring forward accredited entities that fulfil the mandate consistent with the Governing Instrument on balance, diversity and coverage and advance the objectives of GCF and, to that end, also decides to prioritize up to the end of the twentyfifth meeting of the Board the following, not listed in order of priority:
- National direct access entities nominated for accreditation by national designated authorities or focal points of countries that do not have an accredited direct access national entity;
- Private sector entities, in particular those in developing countries, seeking a balance of diversity of entities in line with decision B.09/07, paragraph (g) and decision B.10/06, paragraph (h);
- Entities responding to requests for proposal issued by the Green Climate Fund, for example, including a pilot phase for enhancing direct access; a pilot programme to support micro, small and medium-sized enterprises; and a pilot programme to mobilize resources at scale in order to address adaptation and mitigation;
- Accredited entities seeking fulfilment of their conditions for accreditation; and
- Accredited entities requesting upgrades in their accreditation scope.