B.24/06: Matters related to the independent units: Work programme and budget of the Independent Evaluation Unit

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.24/12 titled “Independent Evaluation Unit 2020 Work Plan and Budget and Update of its Three-year Objectives and Work Plan”:

  1. Approves the workplan and budget of the Independent Evaluation Unit for 2020 as contained in annex VII for the total budgeted amount of USD 5.58 million;
  2. Requests the Budget Committee to review the budget execution during 2020 and acknowledges that the Independent Evaluation Unit may present to the Board for consideration at its twenty-sixth meeting an additional budgetary request to execute its workplan for 2020; and
  3. Notes the update on the Independent Evaluation Unit’s rolling three-year workplan, outlined in annex VIII as requested by the Board to ensure flexibility, learning and predictability for the Independent Evaluation Unit