B.24/03: Strategic planning for 2020 – 2023: Update to the Strategic Plan of the GCF

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.24/Inf.01 titled “The Strategic Plan for the GCF: 2020–2023”:

  1. Requests the Secretariat, under the guidance of the Co-Chairs, to continue developing the updated Strategic Plan for 2020–2023, with a view to presenting it for consideration and approval by the Board at its twenty-fifth meeting, and that it takes into account:
    1. Guidance set out by the Board in decision B.22/06 and decisions taken by the Board at its twenty-fourth meeting, including in relation to the outcomes of the first formal replenishment process of the GCF;
    2. Ongoing consultation with Board members and alternate members, including comments made at and the outcomes of the twenty-fourth meeting of the Board and further written submissions made by Board and alternate members; and
    3. An inclusive process of engagement with GCF stakeholders, including developing countries, accredited entities, advisory groups, active observers and observer organizations;
  2. Invites Board members and alternate members, as well as active observers, to submit written comments to the Secretariat on the draft updated Strategic Plan set out in document GCF/B.24/Inf.01 by 20 December 2019 to inform the work referred to in paragraph (a) above;
  3. Requests the Secretariat to publish all written submissions on the GCF website;
  4. Decides to hold an informal meeting of the Board, open to active observers, well before the twenty-fifth meeting of the Board, with a view to present a final draft of the updated Strategic Plan for 2020–2023;
  5. Welcomes the offers from Liberia and Armenia to host the informal meeting of the Board;
  6. Decides that the informal meeting shall be held from 5 to 7 February 2020 in Monrovia, Liberia;
  7. Requests the Secretariat to distribute to Board and alternate members and active observers, at least two weeks prior to the informal meeting referred to in paragraph (d) above, an updated draft of the Strategic Plan for 2020–2023, along with guiding questions on issues requiring further consideration by the Board, as input to the informal meeting;
  8. Decides that the cost of the informal meeting will be covered by the budget of the Board for 2020, as approved by decision B.24/05, and requests the Budget Committee to review the budgetary allocation; and
  9. Requests the Secretariat to make the necessary arrangements for this informal meeting.