B.23/02: Report on the activities of the Co-Chairs: Co-Chairs’ report, including the updated workplan of the Board for 2019

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.23/21/Add.01/Rev.01 titled “Report on the activities of the Co-Chairs – Addendum I: Updated workplan of the Board for 2019” and document GCF/B.23/21/Add.02 titled “Report on the activities of the Co-Chairs – Addendum II: Approach to developing the environmental and social safeguards of GCF”:

  1. Takes note of the updated Board workplan for 2019, as set out in annex II;
  2. Decides to defer consideration of the Evaluation Policy of the GCF to its twenty-fourth meeting;
  3. Also decides to defer consideration of the following matters and requests the Secretariat, in consultation with the Co-Chairs and the relevant committees, panels and groups of the Board, to progress its work on these matters and present these for consideration by the Board at its twenty-fifth meeting:
    1. Initial analysis of options to minimize the effects of currency fluctuations on the commitment authority of GCF requested pursuant to decision B.21/14, paragraph (j); and
    2. Review of the effectiveness of the committees, panels and group established by the Board requested pursuant to decision B.20/04, paragraph (b);
  4. Further decides to delegate the following matter to the Secretariat with the proviso to bring any recommendations requiring Board attention back to the Board:
    1. Reviewed administrative guidelines on procurement requested pursuant to decision B.08/21, decision B.12/39, paragraph (a), and decision B.17/01, paragraph (c);
  5. Requests the Secretariat to conduct further consultations with active observers and accredited observer organizations in relation to the comprehensive review of the participation of observers in the activities of the Board, with a view to identifying existing gaps and needed improvements, and to presenting a report with recommendations on the outcomes of the review for consideration by the Board when the matter is considered;
  6. Takes note of the proposed approach and options for developing the GCF environmental and social safeguards contained in the annex to document GCF/B.23/21/Add.02;
  7. Requests the Secretariat to proceed with the development of the GCF environmental and social safeguards, based on the approach presented in the annex to document GCF/B.23/21/Add.02, section 4.1, titled “GCF interim environmental and social safeguards with revisions and enhancements”;
  8. Approves a budget of USD 399, 200 for the development of the GCF environmental and social safeguards. This amount will be added to the Secretariat’s administrative budget; and
  9. Further requests the Secretariat to present the GCF environmental and social safeguards for the Board’s consideration at its second meeting in 2021.