B.21/13: Work programmes and budgets of the independent units for 2019

The Board, recalling decision B.17/12:

  1. Establishes the Performance Oversight Committee of the Executive Director and Heads of Independent Units in accordancewith paragraphs 2(g) and 30 of the Rules of Procedure of the Board;
  2. Adopts the terms of reference of the Performance Oversight Committee of the Executive Director and Heads of Independent Units, as set out in annex XIV to this document;
  3. Appoints the following Board members as members of the Performance Oversight Committee of the Executive Director and Heads of Independent Units for its initial term:
    1. [name of Co-Chair from developing country Parties];
    2. [name of Co-Chair from developed country Parties];
    3. [name of Board member from developing country Parties]; and
    4. [name of Board member from developed country Parties].