B.17/16: Matters related to accreditation: Accreditation master agreements

The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.17/15 titled “Approval of the accreditation master agreement agreed with Conservation International Foundation”:

  1. Takes note of the text of the accreditation master agreement agreed with Conservation International Foundation, as contained in annex XIX, which marks the changes against the template accreditation master agreement;
  2. Approves the substantive change in the accreditation master agreement agreed with Conservation International Foundation from the template accreditation master agreement as set out in annex XIX;
  3. Authorizes the Executive Director to negotiate changes, which are in substance similar to those contained in the accreditation master agreement agreed with Conservation International Foundation, to the accreditation master agreement to be entered into with other institutions whose structure, object and purpose is similar to that of Conservation International Foundation without requiring further Board approval in respect of such changes; and
  4. Authorizes the Secretariat to finalize the negotiation of the third party liability cap with respect to the part of the funded activity to be implemented by Conservation International Foundation under FP026.