B.15/04: Country programming and readiness: Progress report on the readiness and preparatory support programme

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.15/Inf.08 titled “Progress and outlook report of the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme”:

  1. Decides that, from the resources available in the GCF Trust Fund, up to an additional USD 50 million is to be made available for the execution of the Fund’s Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme (“Programme”);
  2. Requests the Secretariat, recalling decision B.08/11, paragraph (j), and decision B.13/03, to present the results of the independent evaluation of the Programme to the Board no later than the last meeting in 2017, and to ensure that the results of the evaluation are taken into account when considering requests for resources for the Programme subsequent to the evaluation; and
  3. Also requests the Secretariat to present the draft terms of reference for the independent evaluation of the Programme for Board consideration at the sixteenth meeting of the Board.