B.12/14: Work Plan of the Board: Matters outstanding from previous Board meetings: Proposal from the Co‐Chairs

The Board,

  1. Requests the Co‐Chairs to consult with fellow Board members and alternate Board members, active observers and accredited observer organizations in relation to the comprehensive review of the participation of observers in the activities of the Board, with a view to presenting, for consideration by the Board, the terms of reference for this review no later than the thirteenth meeting of the Board;
  2. Invites observer organizations to submit to the Secretariat views on the terms of reference for the review by 10 April 2016;
  3. Requests the Secretariat to support the Co‐Chairs in the preparation of the terms of reference and to undertake the review for consideration by the Board at its fifteenth meeting; and
  4. Requests the Co‐Chairs with the support of the Secretariat to summarize the outcome of their consultations and to propose a draft decision in a written report to be transmitted to the Board in line with the Rules of Procedure of the Board.