B.11/14: Report from committees, panels and groups

The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.11/23 titled “Appointment of members to committees of the Board”:

  1. Appoints as members of the Investment Committee, for a term starting on 8 July 2015:
    1. Mr. Frank Fass-Metz;
    2. Ms. Kate Hughes; and
    3. Mr. Atsuyuki Oike;
  2. Also appoints as members of the Risk Management Committee, for a term starting on 8 July 2015:
    1. Mr. Arnaud Buisse;
    2. Mr. Masaaki Iizuka; and 
    3. Mr. Jacob Waslander;
  3. Further appoints Ms. Ludovica Soderini as member of the Ethics and Audit Committee, for a term starting on the date of adoption of this decision;
  4. Appoints Mr. Morten Elkjæ r as member of the Private Sector Advisory Group, for the second term; and
  5. Also appoints as members of the Accreditation Committee, for the second term:
    1. Mr. Henrik Harboe;
    2. Mr. Leonardo Martinez-Diaz; and
    3. Mr. Anders Wallberg.