B.11/05: Status of the Initial Resource Mobilization

The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.11/Inf.05 titled “Status of the Initial Resource Mobilization process”:

  1. Takes note of the information presented in document GCF/B.11/Inf.05;
  2. Urges contributing countries to confirm their pledges to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) in the form of fully executed contribution agreements/arrangements as soon as possible;
  3. Requests the Secretariat to prepare, for consideration by the Board at its fifteenth meeting, a document for understanding and defining alternative sources of financial inputs to the GCF that would be additional to current contributions, in accordance with decision B.05/04, paragraph (f); and
  4. Also requests the Secretariat to develop, for consideration by the Board at its fourteenth meeting, policies and procedures for contributions from philanthropic foundations and other non-public and alternative sources to the Initial Resource Mobilization process, in accordance with decision B.08/13, annex XIX, paragraphs 5, 6 and 7, including a due-diligence process for these contributions.