B.10/12: Template for the bilateral agreement on privileges and immunities

The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.10/12 Template for Bilateral Agreement on Privileges and Immunities:

  1. Authorizes the Executive Director to negotiate and sign, or otherwise develop, taking account of the draft provisions set out in Annex XXV hereto and the domestic legal and policy frameworks of countries, agreements or other appropriate arrangements with countries on the privileges and immunities of the Green Climate Fund (the Fund);
  2. Also authorizes the Executive Director to develop additional arrangements to elaborate on the privileges and immunities negotiated or otherwise developed by the Fund and country Parties to address privileges, immunities or exemptions for:
    1. Conferences or other international meetings of the Fund;
    2. Country or regional offices of the Fund, or any permanent presence in a country;
    3. Resolution of disputes regarding the application of privileges and immunities of the Fund; and
    4. Any other privileges, immunities, or exemptions that the country and the Fund may agree as necessary to protect the Fund and persons associated with the Fund;
  3. Requests the Secretariat to report at each meeting of the Board as part of the Secretariat’s activities on any agreements or other appropriate arrangements which have been concluded or implemented;
  4. Also requests the Secretariat to implement measures such as insurance, indemnification, or other liability protection to assure that Secretariat staff, Board members and alternates are protected, as appropriate, including while on mission; and
  5. Further requests the Secretariat to incorporate in the report to the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change a section on the status of the Fund’s existing privileges and immunities with regard to its operational activities, starting at its twenty-first session and thereafter biennially, consistent with decision 7/CP.20, paragraph 22.