B.08/20: Methodology for decisions taken between meetings, including decisions approved between the seventh and eighth Board meetings
The Board:
- Endorses the nomination by the Accreditation Committee of the following experts to the Accreditation Panel for one term:
- Mr. Peter Carter (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland);
- Mr. Wolfgang Diernhofer (Austria);
- Ms. Penelope Herbst (South Africa/United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland);
- Ms. Isna Marifa (Indonesia); and
- Ms. Anastasia Northland (Russian Federation/United States of America).
- Decides that, in view of the withdrawal of one nominated member, the sixth expert to the Accreditation Panel will be nominated by the Accreditation Committee after the eighth Board meeting and the decision for endorsement by the Board will be taken between meetings;
- Further decides that consideration of the sixth expert to the Accreditation Panel will take into account fiduciary expertise and representation from developing countries;
- Emphasizes, for future additions and appointments, the importance of balance between developing and developed countries, gender and language diversity; and
- Recommends strengthening these elements of balance in future recruitments and in the subsequent term of the Accreditation Panel, with the aim of reaching a 50%-50% balance between developing and developed countries, and ensuring that no two members will be from the same country.