B.05/16: Arrangements between Conference of the Parties and the Fund

The Board, having considered documents GCF/B.05/17 Draft Arrangements between the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC and the Green Climate Fund and GCF/B.05/17/Add.01 (Addendum):

  1. Approves the draft arrangements between the Conference of the Parties and the Green Climate Fund set out in Annex XXI to this document;
  2. Requests the current Co‐Chairs to inform the Co‐Chairs of the Standing Committee on Finance of the outcome of the Board’s deliberations on the arrangements;
  3. Requests the Interim Secretariat to transmit to the secretariat of the UNFCCC the draft arrangements between the Conference of the Parties and the Green Climate Fund as approved by it, for transmittal to the Conference of the Parties for its subsequent agreement at its nineteenth session, in accordance with decision 7.CP/18.