B.05/08: Business model framework: Access

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.05/08 Business Model Framework: Access Modalities – Accreditation:

  1. Notes convergence on the need to develop a guiding framework and procedures for the accreditation process of the Fund that enhances country ownership, accommodates different capacities and capabilities of countries, defines the Fund’s own fiduciary principles and standards and environmental and social safeguards, and accredits entities in a transparent, objective and credible manner, in line with the Fund’s objectives, results and guiding principles;
  2. Acknowledges the best‐practice fiduciary principles and standards referred to inAnnex V and the environmental and social safeguards of the entities referred to in Annex VI to this document, as the basis for developing the Fund’s own criteria and standards;
  3. Takes note of the list of considerations and initial criteria to inform the elaboration of the Fund’s criteria for accreditation of sub‐national, national, regional and international intermediaries and implementing entities, as presented in Annex VII to this document, and as part of the development of the guiding framework for the Fund’s accreditation process;
  4. Requests a team of four Board members/alternate members to oversee the development of the guiding framework for the Fund’s accreditation process by the Secretariat, which will also include four senior international experts to be nominated by the Executive Director, for consideration by the Board no later than at its second meeting in 2014. This will include overseeing the development by the Secretariat of:
    1. The Fund’s own environmental and social safeguards and fiduciary principles and standards;
    2. The criteria and application procedures for the accreditation of intermediaries and implementing entities of the Fund;
    3. The most appropriate governance and organizational approach for the Fund’s accreditation process, including an Independent Technical Advisory Function to conduct the accreditation process, taking into account Annex X and Annex XI to this document, and the terms of reference contained in Annex XI, as appropriate;
    4. An assessment of the list of the institutions accredited by other funds, as contained in Annex VIII to this document, in light of the development of the guiding framework for the accreditation process of the Fund;
    5. Additional modalities that further enhance direct access, including through funding entities, with a view to enhancing country ownership of projects and programmes, for consideration by the Board at its first meeting in 2014;
  5. Decides that the following Board members will be part of the team referred to above: Mr. Arnaud Buisse, H.E. Mr. Jan Cedergren, Mr. Derek Gibbs and Mr. David Kaluba;
  6. Requests the Secretariat to undertake all necessary actions to ensure that the work of the team and the development of the guiding framework for the Fund’s accreditation process starts as soon as possible;
  7. Approves the terms of reference of the senior international experts to be nominated by the Executive Director and to serve in the team, as contained in Annex IX to this document;
  8. Further requests the Secretariat to initiate work on provisions for legal and formal arrangements with intermediaries and implementing entities, policies on fees and payments, and any other necessary elements to facilitate the prompt operationalization of the Fund’s accreditation process and its access modalities, and report on its progress at the first meeting of the Board in 2014;
  9. Also requests the Secretariat to initiate urgently work and activities to support readiness for accreditation in interested sub‐national, national, regional and international intermediaries and implementing entities, in the context of the Fund’s programme of work on readiness and preparatory support and as discussed in document GCF/B.05/14, and report on its progress at the first meeting of the Board in 2014.