B.05/03: Business model framework: Results management framework

The Board:

  1. Recalls decision B.04/04, paragraph (a), in which it noted convergence that the Fund will have a strategic focus on climate change mitigation and adaptation, and also seek to maximize sustainable development;
  2. Recalls decision B.04/04, paragraph (b), in which it reaffirmed that country ownership will be a core principle of the business model framework of the Fund and that countries will identify their priority result areas in line with their national strategies and plans;
  3. Notes convergence that ownership and access to Fund resources could be enhanced by inclusion of indicators capturing country‐driven policies that have the potential to promote a paradigm shift towards low‐emission and climate‐resilient development pathways in the context of sustainable development as set out in the Governing Instrument;
  4. Further notes convergence on key criteria that may be considered through the results management framework when measuring performance of Fund activities, where appropriate, in addition to the core performance indicators, including potential for paradigm shift towards low‐emission and climate‐resilient development pathways; development co‐benefits; environmental co‐benefits; potential for replication and scalability; cost‐effectiveness; avoidance of lock‐in to high‐emission, low climate‐resilient alternatives; and finance mobilized from non‐public sources;
  5. Adopts the initial result areas of the Fund, as contained in Annex I to this document, as initial areas of funding, in order to enable low‐emission and climate‐resilient development pathways;
  6. Adopts the initial performance indicators of the Fund, as contained in Annex II to this document;
  7. Decides that the Fund’s results management framework will:
    1. Enable effective monitoring and evaluation of the outputs, outcomes and impacts of the Funds’ investments and portfolio, and the Fund’s organizational effectiveness and operational efficiency;
    2. Include measurable, transparent, effective and efficient indicators and systems to support Fund’s operations, including, inter alia, how the Fund addresses economic, social and environmental development co‐benefits and gender sensitivity;
  8. Further decides that the Fund, as a continuously learning institution, will maintain the flexibility to refine its results management framework, result areas and performance indicators, based on Fund experience in implementation and monitoring, and as evaluation outcomes become available, and that the lessons learned will feed back into the design, funding criteria and implementation of Fund activities, based on results;
  9. Further decides that the Fund will assess project and programme proposals in each result area using the same impact indicators;
  10. Further decides that national and sector‐wide indicators will be used only at the discretion of the recipient country;
  11. Further decides that in designing a logical framework for results management, the Fund will develop indicators to measure the impact of the Fund on strategic improvements at a country level;
  12. Further decides that in designing its results management framework, the Fund will use the experience of other relevant entities, and, where appropriate, align the framework and indicators with existing best practice models;
  13. Requests the Secretariat to develop, for consideration by the Board at its second meeting in 2014, a detailed operational results management framework of the Fund, based on the initial result areas and core performance indicators and key criteria decided upon by the Board, taking into account the methodologies set out for illustrative purposes in Annex II of document GCF/B.05/03, input from technical expert bodies and the reporting capacity of countries;
  14. Further requests the Secretariat to develop additional result areas and indicators for adaptation activities for consideration by the Board at its first meeting in 2014.