B.01-13/05: Communication and representation

The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.01-13/06 Green Climate Fund Communication and External Representation,

  1. Approved the scope of further work on communication outlined in Annex XIII to this document;
  2. Requested members and alternate members of the Board to provide inputs by 15 March 2013 for the finalization of the communication products included in Annex III of document GCF/B.01-13/06 by the Interim Secretariat under the guidance of the Co-Chairs;
  3. Requested the Interim Secretariat to prepare a concept note on the development of a communication strategy for the Fund, based on guidance provided by the Board, for consideration at the June 2013 Board; and to provide a draft communication strategy for the consideration of the Board at its September 2013 meeting;
  4. Took note of the guidance on representation at external events outlined in Annex V of document GCF/B.01-13/06;
  5. Decided that financial sponsorship of events should initially be discouraged, and appropriate and relevant requests for partnership in external events, with no associated financial commitment, should be considered by the Board on a no-objection basis;
  6. Decided that the approach to Fund’s representation at future meetings of the Technology Executive Committee and on the Advisory Board of the Climate Technology Centre and Network is interim, pending the development of a broader Fund strategy on engagement with UNFCCC and external bodies;
  7. Decided that the selection of a Board representative in response to the ad hoc requests for Board’s representation at future meetings of the Technology Executive Committee be guided by paragraph 8 of Annex IV to this report (Additional Rules of Procedure relating to the Co-Chairs);
  8. Decided that the selection of a Board representative on the Advisory Board of the Climate Technology Centre and Network be undertaken intersessionally, once further clarity on the role, expectations and time commitment is provided by UNEP.