B.01-13/02: Additional rules of procedure of the Board

The Board,

Mindful of the need for a comprehensive travel policy,

  1. Decided that until the adoption of such a policy, the full cost of travel and daily subsistence allowance1 of the Board members and alternate members from eligible2 developing countries to attend Board meetings, or any ancillary meetings decided by the Board, will be provided from the administrative budget of the Fund;
  2. Further decided that the cost of travel and daily subsistence allowance of the Co-Chairs and Board members or alternate members nominated by the Board to represent the Fund will be provided from the administrative budget of the Fund, when traveling on Fund- related business, subject to authorization by the Board;
  3. Noted that other than for travel and daily subsistence allowance, Board members and alternate members will not receive any compensation from the Fund for their participation in the meetings of the Board;
  4. Decided to consider funding of travel expenses of advisers and/or active observers in the context of the Fund’s overall travel policy; and
  5. Requested the Interim Secretariat to present to it at its September 2013 meeting a working document setting out a draft travel policy for the Fund, for approval by the Board, to be applied for funding the travel of Board members, alternate members, advisers, active observers and staff of the independent Secretariat.