Democratic People's Republic of Korea



No. of Readiness activities


Readiness support approved


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Note in relation to readiness activities in DPRK

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is required to comply with United Nations Sanctions Council (UNSC) regimes pertaining to financial sanctions. The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), being the Delivery partner in connection with the readiness grant proposal submitted an exemption request to the UN Security Council Committee established pursuant to Resolution 1718 (2006), to oversee the UNSC sanctions measures imposed on the DPRK.

FAO informed the GCF of the Committee’s decision to decline the sanctions exemption request. As a result, implementation of this readiness grant is currently suspended.

National Designated Authority

Ministry of Land and Environment Protection
Ms. Kyong Sim Ri Primary
Director-General, Department of External Economic Cooperation
Kwangbok-Dong, Mangyongdae District, Pyongyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (the)
Phone +8502181113818340

GCF Team

Maksim Surkov
Regional Manager
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Temurbek Zokirov
Regional Analyst
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Salamat Erejepov
Regional Officer
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