Climate and Education Sector Initiative

Document cover for Climate and Education Sector Initiative
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Climate and Education Sector Initiative

If granted, the PPF allocation will be utilised to support development of this innovative proposal. It will support the engagement of specialist consultants at global and national level in the three countries to undertake a range of analyses to help define the parameters of project activities. These include, education sector analyses, country context analyses, climate analysis, GESI analyses, and ESS assessments. It will also support engagement with stakeholders at the national and sub-national levels in each target country as well as key global stakeholders. The PPF allocation will also support the collation of all inputs into the full funding proposal package.

This project is highly innovative and ambitious, GCF and GPE are all keen to see it move forward quickly. Completing the design process within an accelerated timeframe (7 months) will ensure the momentum being built globally on education and climate change is carried through into implementation in a timely fashion. PPF support will be critical to achieving this ambitious timeline.

Cover date 29 November 2023
Document type Approved project preparation funding application
Save the Children Australia
South Sudan