Summary of outcomes of the 23rd meeting of the GCF Board

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Summary of outcomes of the 23rd meeting of the GCF Board

The 23rd meeting of the Board of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) took place at GCF Headquarters in Songdo Incheon, Republic of Korea, from 6 to 8 July 2019. Mr. Nagmeldin Goutbi Elhassan Mahmoud and Mr. Josceline Wheatley presided over the meeting as Co-Chairs. Representatives of the UNFCCC secretariat, the World Bank (GCF Trustee), and the Board’s independent Technical Advisory Panel and its Accreditation Panel were present, as were over 200 representatives of National Designated Authorities, GCF Accredited Entities, and Accredited Observers. The deliberations of this meeting were webcast in real time in accordance with the Board mandate on live webcasting, and video recordings of the meeting are available on the GCF website.

This document provides a summary of the major issues considered at the meeting with an emphasis on the substantive decisions taken and policies adopted by the Board. It includes a brief summary of each of the projects and programmes approved by the Board. This document does not represent the official report of the meeting.

Cover date 08 June 2019
Document type Summary of outcomes of the meeting of the GCF Board