Adaptation planning support for Haiti through UNDP

Document cover for Adaptation planning support for Haiti through UNDP
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Adaptation planning support for Haiti through UNDP

The project’s objective is to strengthen institutional and technical capacities for iterative development of NAP for an effective integration of CCA into national and sub-national coordination, planning and budgeting process.

The proposed project builds on lessons from NAPA implementation, as well as complementary activities currently underway in Haiti to avoid duplication of efforts. In integrating climate change adaptation into development plans, the project will seek to align inclusive climate change adaptation priorities into the country’s visionary Strategic Development Plan (PSDH), National Land Use Plan (Schéma National d’Aménagement du Territoire - SNAT) and its Disaster Risk Reduction Plan and Strategy (PNGRD).

Cover date 15 May 2019
Document type Approved readiness proposal
United Nations Development Programme