NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Colombia through APC-Colombia

Document cover for NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Colombia through APC-Colombia
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NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Colombia through APC-Colombia

Colombia is implementing developing the GCF Readiness Programme with the support of UNDP, UNEP and World Resource Institute (WRI).

Based on the identified climate finance needs and priorities of the country, the aims of the Programme are:

  • To strengthen national capacities for access and management of climate finance
  • To build capacities for project developers, with a particular emphasis on the private sector
  • To build a project pipeline for the GCF and other climate finance sources
  • To build capacities for monitoring and allocating climate finance flows
  • To support local financial institutions to build up the skills required for climate related investment activity
Cover date 29 June 2017
Document type Approved readiness proposal