GCF/B.20/06/Rev.01: Arrangements for the first formal replenishment of the Green Climate Fund

Document cover for Arrangements for the first formal replenishment of the Green Climate Fund
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GCF/B.20/06/Rev.01: Arrangements for the first formal replenishment of the Green Climate Fund

GCF adopted an ad hoc resource mobilization process at its inception, with the Board deciding to transition subsequently to a formal replenishment process. This document presents a proposed approach to concluding the essential preparatory arrangements, policies and procedures for the first formal replenishment of GCF. Taking the initial resource mobilization process as a starting point, it identifies areas where the Board may consider further developing aspects of the policies and procedures for the first replenishment.

Document symbol GCF/B.20/06/Rev.01
Document type
Action item
Board meeting
Cover date 25 June 2018