GCF/B.40/02/Add.10: Consideration of funding proposals – Addendum X Funding proposal package for FP248

Document cover for Consideration of funding proposals – Addendum X Funding proposal package for FP248

GCF/B.40/02/Add.10: Consideration of funding proposals – Addendum X Funding proposal package for FP248

This addendum contains the following seven parts:
a) A funding proposal titled "Land-based Mitigation and Adaptation through a Jurisdictional Approach in West Kalimantan";
b) No-objection letter issued by the national designated authority(ies) or focal point(s); 
c) Environmental and social report(s) disclosure; 
d) Secretariat’s assessment; 
e) Independent Technical Advisory Panel’s assessment; 
f) Response from the accredited entity to the independent Technical Advisory Panel's assessment; and
g) Gender documentation

Document symbol GCF/B.40/02/Add.10
Document type
Action item
Board meeting
Cover date 30 September 2024