GCF/B.16/Inf.08: Facilitating an increase in proposals from direct access entities

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GCF/B.16/Inf.08: Facilitating an increase in proposals from direct access entities

In decision B.15/03, paragraph (b), the Board requested the Secretariat to prepare a document for consideration by the Board at its sixteenth meeting that outlines the actions to be taken by the Board in order to facilitate an increase in proposals from direct access entities in the pipeline. This document provides information on current engagement with direct access accredited entities (AEs), including current status of the direct access AE pipeline of projects; identifies and addresses direct access AE needs for support; and provides options for additional support to direct access AEs that the Board may wish to consider.

Document symbol GCF/B.16/Inf.08
Document type
Board meeting
Cover date 29 March 2017