B.09/11: Gender policy and action plan

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.09/10 Gender Policy and Action Plan :

  1. Adopts the gender policy proposed in Annex XIII, acknowledging the progress made in advancing gender balance and gender equality within the context of climate change policies and in line with individual country circumstances, when applying said policy;
  2. Also adopts the gender action plan as contained in Annex XIV;
  3. Requests the Secretariat to take the necessary measures in order to expedite the implementation of the policy and action plan; and
  4. Also requests the Secretariat’s Gender and Social Development Specialist to conduct a review of the gender policy and action plan, in consultation with the civil society organizations accredited with the Fund, and to submit an updated version of both by the twelfth meeting of the Board. Members of the Board are invited to submit their comments or additional proposals regarding the current policy and action plan by the tenth meeting of the Board.